Faisal Fattani

I'm a Senior undergraduate at the University of Washington who's invigorated by data-driven problem solving. I'm currently helping Professor Bob Boiko teach INFO 180, a gamified class, and part of the leadership team at the Polling and Open Data Initiative at UW (PODUW).
This repository showcases some projects and snippets that I worked
on, or that I'm currently working on.
I'm currently focused on growing as a data analyst, so my work mostly falls within intersections of
analytics and social spaces I hope to enable or belong to. My passion for analyics was kickstarted by admiring the Houston Roeckets' analytics drive, and I also love playing around with basketball data whenever I find the time.
Outisde of that realm, I spend some of my time playing around with microcontrollers, hardware, and 3d printing, pondering about whether I relate to stoic philosophy
or if I counterintuitively overthink my experiences to belong there, and inviting friends to play basketball only to get annoyingly competitive and drive them off.
Please pardon any bugs, I'm constantly tweaking this page. If you have any feedback or want to connect with me, feel free to reach out to faisaltf@uw.edu.
Here's a snippet from my latest work learn more
Peony Hologram
Arduino Frame
RaspberryPi Arcade
Some of my work
CFA Partner Engagement Dashboard
A dashboard designed to help CFA administrators assess partner engagement at the organization.
NCAA Basketball Season Dashboard
I had to put together a demo dashboard before getting hands on with the organization's data at Computing For All, and I decided to make a brief dashboard summarizing NCAA Basketball seasons.
StillsAnalyzing Remote Learning Sentiments
In a report developed for the University of Washington's board to get an overview of student sentiments about the remote learning experience, and adjusting back to school in-person after the pandemic, POD UW analyzed data surveying students on their experience with remote learning.
Full Report CodeForecasting Blood Donations
A predective model, developed while interning at MedTourEasy, to forecast whether previous blood donors will donate at a specific instance given their history; the model uses data from The Blood Transfusion Service Center in Taiwan.
Report CodeAnalysis for POD UW's CSE Report
Cleaned and visualized survey results to find trends and correlations about student internship applications and offers
The full report was sent by the university to the entire student body of the Paul Allen School of Computer Science, as well as published in collaboration with UW's Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
How Many Misteltoes Does Christmas Need?
A quantitaive look at Christmas song lyrics comparing Christmas word occurances against non-Christmas lyrics.
LinkiSchool Survey Analysis
POD UW surveyed students at the iSchool to
I cleaned, processed, and visualized some of the data to
How Small Can Smallball Go?
Using machine learning to test how different strategies affect team performances if taken to the exteremes, extrapolating the Houston Rocket's data-driven "small ball" system.
Link/Code RedditSympahty for the Devil Project
An interactive storyline game where users end up in different scenarios based on decisions they made along a journey.
LinkMonte Hall Problem
The statistics behindThe Monte Hall Problemseemed very unintuitive to me at first so I created visual proof to understand it.
(Hint: the host knowing which door to open first is the tricky part - or at lest how it made sense to me).